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ENT Facilities
Clinic is equipped with the state-of-the-art software integrated video monitoring system for accurate diagnosis and treatment. The OPD Ent Treatment unit is completely patient friendly. (All Covid Safety precautions and appropriate sanitization measures are in place in the clinic premises ) The attached Audiology & Speech assessment suite , alongside the clinic ,also caters to the need of vertigo & tinnitus patients in addition to speech , language & hearing evaluation.

OPD Unit Endoscopy

Complete Audiology
Evaluation Audio Meter

Middle Ear Analysis

Special Surgical Instruments

Sinus Endoscope
0, 30, 45, 70, High Definition German

Special Surgical Instruments
Micro Scope

ASSR, VEMP, P350, MLR, OAE Screening and Diagnostic} (USA Made)

Screening and Diagnostic

Digital High Speed Micro Motor